Send in the Owl

I’m stoked outta my mind to share SEND IN THE OWL, featuring Kathleen Deming, Harry Goaz, Robert Broski, and Stewart Strauss, is in production and coming in 2025!

This project began in 2018 when I entered The Fan Dossier writing contest hosted by Welcome to Twin Peaks with the support of Flatiron Books and Mark Frost.

My piece on Buella, the backwoods madam in Twin Peaks: The Return, Episode 1, was among those selected for publication on the site. You can read the dossier here. >>>

Fast forward to 2022, when Nick Peetros of Ludovico Pictures approached me about adapting the piece for a short film.

My answer was: LET’S ROCK. And here we are.

Read more on IMDB.


The Book of the Most Precious Substance


In State In Heaven