Damn Fine Yoga
By the second lesson, I knew something was changing in me — the alchemy of body, mind, stillness, and breath was already at work.
Darkened With Something More Than Night
Noir upends the American dream — no more promises of a new day. Instead, we live by night. But live, we do.
Yet, I Live.
Perhaps worse than death is being forgotten. That’s why loneliness and isolation are treacherous places to inhabit.
Tree of Life (Árbol de la vida)
While my intention was to just “get fucked up,” my hallucinations and euphoria undulated with intense spiritual themes.
Photo by Alejandro Linares Garcia
Lovers in the Park
We visited Parque Mexico many times, but that first night, the heightened awareness of a new place intoxicated me like a strong mezcal.
Buenos Días Comrades
And so it goes with passionate people, Kahlo and Trotsky had a brief, steamy affair.